The Unicorne and the Pegasus are the spirit animals of Tzaims Luksus.

Putting aside all references of what a unicorne represents in the modern world, the Unicorne, spelled in medieval English as UNICORNE is the mythological spirit animal sprung fully grown as a blue eyed snow white stallion with a single golden horne in its forehead that represents male purity, the horn representing the male penis as a symbolic icon of divine creativity.  There are no and can never be female unicorns. Guess why.

They can only be pure virtuous virgins as in Botticelli's Birth of Venus painting.

In the distorted minds of trans people in the 21st century, that claim to identify with, multi genders, physical and with unnatural mental attributes, not natural or normal for them, it is wrong to consider their rationalization as being real.  They destroy the poetic meaning created by the minds of artistic men!

These low minds with their copying ideas badly are turning something beatutiful and good into something dark and evil to suit their disturbed mentality.  It is easy to recognize and avoid any assoociation with their thinkin or be influenced by them.  Just laugh them out of existance!

Unisexuality is not bisexuality, nor is it homosexual, gay, lesbos or heterol.  It simply means non sexual and not joining in mixed sexual activity.  Unicorne men do not associate with women or with gay men.  Their minds are on higher and higher noble ideals of pure mental creativity and idealism not leading to materialism.

However since the Unicorne is a mythological and symbolic entity the energy it represents makes it a very incomprehensible and desirable spirit to posess and so those that can never understand it since not having that spirit try to adapt it into their limited thinking rather then having the creative ability to understand exactly what they really are. 

They haven't discoveredbwhat their spirit animal is.  To know this one has to know under which spirit they are formed and born.  Easy enough to do especially for Scorpions.

Originally, during 1200 AD in Europe and England among the Celtic tribes the image and purpose of the Unicorne, being a wild virgin male horse with a singlr hotne, was the desire if a virgin girl to capture to conceive the perfect child.  The Unicorne would only allow itself to be caught by the purist and most virtuous virgin maiden but it would not engage sexually with her.  Being pure spirit it symbolized male generative ability but did not abandon its own virginity to be seduced or create off spring.  It merely led the virgin maiden to the appropriate young man she desired and both being virgins shared the dream of the perfected sexual union and ultimate human experience.

This is the poetic ideal of what the Unicorne is.  Fortunately being simply spirit it cannot be corrupted by low minded men or women.  It dwells either alone or only with its own kind in the wild.

Reading this will create much disturbance in the minds of many readers since everyone has their way of dominating how others should think about such things but no matter.  It is not important what anyone thinks since no one thinks the same unless one is of that same kind.

This is not written to convince anyone of anything.  It is stating how and why the Western Medieval Unicorne was poetically created and not how others over time corrupted it, since in a pure mental state nothing is applied for anyone to believe, keeping the whole idea incomprehensible and a mystery, and that is why it is mythological!

The Unicorne Club

Members Only

I know, since I am the original Unicorne.  How do I know this?  That is the secret of my life and telling you this is my way of remaining an individual.  But let me now amuse you so you immediately forget what you just read and will all this that is written be forgotten and be invisible to you as of this moment - Abracadabra (  !  ) 😐


  1. Oh I am SO ready to devour all that you are willing to share as I want to know all there is to know about the genius that is Tzaims Luksus....never have I ever run up on such an interesting soul or a more interesting life!! I hope to one day assure that this man is not forgotten to the passing of time once your internal soul breaks away from the body that it now resides in. I pray that your son will honor your legacy and work to preserve your memory by not letting your story die and not just dispose of your things like is the case in so many families. No, your name is one that should not be forgotten as well as the name of the man who was by your side through it all, George Lott, should also be remembered as the 2 of you were pioneers in a way that those who are able to be openly in love today will never understand. ...oh yes I await your every new entry like a child on Christmas morning.

    1. Not my son but bzstard of my ex wife who cheated on me before marriage. He tried and will delete me so forget him Gene (John) Lott, no George, was my younger brother separated from our family as an infant. I never made much money in fabrics or couture and Paris destroyed be through Pierre Berge of Yves Saint Laurent because I from NYC was too great a comletition for YSL. John Fairchild supported Berge/YSL and US press black listed me in 1968.

    2. I'm sorry the stupid spell correct changed Gene to George, believe .e I know Genes name well and am familiar with his backstory as I have absorbed all I can get my hands on when it comes to you and your legacy....but I need you to give me an email or way to contact you so I can speak openly about things that I don't want others to a use this world is full of idiots, like the one offering to mow your grass and pay less than 10k in taxes for a car as exquisite as yours 😂🤣people are so worried about money and how they can screw others to get it...anyways I'll be looking for your reply

  2. I am horrified by what the young "urban explorer" criminals have done by invading your beloved mansion and exposing it to vandals and thieves. My heart hurst for you. The world is a thoughtless, selfish devourer. Please know that my sentiments are with you.

  3. Such a fascinating life. The mansion, which, yes, I saw on You Tube is incredible, so bohemian and creative and beautiful. You created such an exquisite collection of artistic things. Your life should be celebrated and remembered. You were fortunate to have someone you loved so much.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. If it had not been for the You Tube video I would have never searched out for the ever so talented Tzaims Luksus . I was so intrigued by your beautiful home and to see all that you have created. I wish I had just a tad of your talent. Your one of a kind and I feel your story needs to be heard and would love to see you and your family reclaim the Buckthorne Hall! Much love and respect.

  6. I find it odd how many messages are being left that sound humble and desperate. He’s not going to give you his craphole of a house get over it. He’s clearly a narcissist stop stroking his ego he won’t respect you for it.


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