

From:  Striking with the Sword of Heaven Autobiography of Tzaims Luksus, FRSA This isn't a full life story but one that covers a period from 2013 until 2024 It centers on events concerning an issue that sprung up when my residence in Old Bennington was broken into, vandalized and robbed.  Then on top of that 4 Youtube video crews entered making documentaries concerning my very private life and property and posting them on the Internet.   This is merely an introduction to circumstances forthcoming but the beginning so that those aware that this is being created will know how to find what they are looking for. To be continued


 One hundred billion light years away from the Earth in the universe of infinite space, is the galaxy of Zxvarnak (Xonik, Zonic, Zxvnak)    It is primarily made up of four major planets each having hundreds of natursl satalite moons radiating the necessary energy to maintain spiritual existence.   There arent any kinds of material existences,  only vapors, an gasius mist, each providing the existence of thought, mind, emotion, energy with the power to form each into material form as a changling, creating itself into any form, and creating visions of every form of environment, in the vast realm of mental invention. Each planet has its own kind of spirit, individual energy, free will and existence without leadership or conformity.  Each planet, in its existence, is self sustained with no contact, communication or knowledgevof of any other. The environment of each determines the energy existant of each.  Color identifies each. Megar (Blue), Arak (Red), Finor (Green), Ilania (Yellow). by n


 In 1956 James Henry Luksus, fresh out of the US Navy after four years active duty mstriculates first at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, painting and drawing, and then at the Philadelphia Museum School of Art majoring in Archectural Interior Design.  The program in ID .included city planning, urban renewal, structural engineering, and textile weaving and silk sceen printing of fabric. Miriam Kellogg Fredenthal held a teaching position in textile design technology from the Philsdelphia Textile Institute.  Earlier she attended Cranbrook Academy of Art having won a sculpture scholarship at the Boston Museum School to study under Carl Millis, however, Millis left for Sweden on a family crisis and the mother of Erro Saarinin. Teaching wearing ther and took Miriam in to study weaving rather than be idle.  Erro, her son, was also a student as was David Fredenthal, from a Russian Jewish family. Mirism was the grand dauoughter of a very anglo Christian family that Founded Westen Semi

A Telepathic Path to the Mystery of Tzaims Luksus

As mysteries go it isn't unusual when someone boggles the universal mind whether in the ancient, spirit or present world with false information it creates chaos.  But there is always a way to correct this by the right spiritual power. The latest mystery has to do with an artist and designer named Tzaims Luksus. Mysteries generally center around the unknown but often one can totally know someone only not to know them at the same time.  Why is this?  Not listening or taking information out of context and trying to piece it together adding other's opinions or non experiences so when a top writer goes about writing something about another person they never met, the chances are they won't get the facts but instead be enthrawled by rumours, the legend of the person or create a partial reality fused with the unknown and it becomes even a greater mystery, but then when the truth and facts are added it becomes a total mystery! Tzaims Luksus became a legend in his own time and contin

The White Raven King: James (Tzaims) Uskglass-Luksus.

Black or White Raven King?  White Raven King of course.  Uskglass meaning?  John Uskglass was the Black Raven King 600 years ago.

Vanity Fair and Meryl Gordon's diatribe of "John Fairchild - Fashion's Most Angry Fella."

 Letter to Meryl Gordon. Dear Meryl, By chance I came across your Vanity Fair article on John Burr Fairchild, better known as Vain Unfairchild.  An interesting lovable roast/diatribe of which I read every word.  Why? You ask.  Surprises me as well but I had my day with him, you might say, that lasted about seven years from 1962 until 1968. Not he, directly at the beginning in 1962, unless in the background of his editors and illustrators who discovered me and continuously supported me until 1968.  I never met the man, however, I might have seen him from a distance at one of the Met Museum's "Party of the Year" or the Coty Awards when I received a first time Special Coty for fabric design.  WWD was very kind to me in those first couple of years especially with their coverage of my first Spring/Summer fashion collection by writing:  "The Launching of Luksus." February 1966. It was after this that I believe John started editing or writing about me anonymously or us