Artist's NOT EVER Abandoned Mansion



  1. OMG Mr. Luksus I am SO HAPPY that I have found this vlog and extremely happy that you know of the unlawful and awful thing that has been done to your beloved Buckthorne Hall. I have tried to reach you through an email I found on another site. But id never heard back. Months before I was actually in the process of doing a deep dive research of your life that started with the gifting of a dress made by you that had me wanting to know more about the obviously wonderful man who had designed this as if he had a direct connection with my mind as I love & draw large bold designs Man oh man though was I never prepared to come across the story Tzaimes Luksus, larger than life and unbelievably still alive. Then I found you were also a practicer of the Oriental spiritual arts like . myself and I felt surely that I had been drawn in by the universe. Then months later when I ran across the videos that showed these people rapping your home, a place I had prayed I would one day be able to visit along with your presence of course, I was appalled. I know that you did not ask me to but I did contact YouTube on your behalf and report that these people were in your home illegally. I am willing to do ANYTHING to help you in the endeavor of procuring your home or whatever you would like done if you need boots on the ground on your behalf here in the states. I have actually had nightmares about the break-ins and have thought about it daily. I do hope you will contact me back. With love, Stephanie

  2. A new fashion based show premiered Becoming Karl Lagerfeld....what about becoming Tzaims Luksus?? Have these people not read about the extraordinary life of this man?? Why are we celebrating a German fashion designer when American couture was so much more amazing.g due to the works of forgotten geniuses like it because he refused to live by your rules? To be put into your box?? He has now spiritually transcended farther than any mere man...he has become a god!! Becoming Karl Lagerfeld, what a joke 😂🤣😂🤣

    1. Thank you. I believe the intrusion at my home is final. I have to move on and not look back. That was a past life leading me to a new one. What happens there now ... ?Tzaims

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You are at once unique and representative. Not easy in this world. I wish you well.


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