Who claimed my property in Old Bennington, Vermont was abandoned?
How can neighbors decide to tear down their neighbor's house?
How can a village government and a town government allow property they are responsible to protect allow burglaries, vandalism and criminal activity and do notbing to prevent if when taxes are paid.
How can the State of Vermont decide to demolish a house that is a major Historic designated property?
Tbis plus many more questions come to the forefront concerning my mortgage free property in the State of Vermont, USA.
It was declared to me by the Treasurers of the Village of Old Bennington, Vermont and the town of Bennington, Vermont that the small zmount of unpaid taxes would be applied as a lean on my property and only deducted if and when I died and my property was either sold or inherited by the person it was left to in my will.
Now everyone in the town and village believe they own my property to do as they please just because the front lawn isn't mowed.
I had to go to Southeast Asia to start a new business in February 2020, but due to Covid I was locked down in Southeast Asia and protected by the Myanmar zmilitat government that saved my life despite how the US government hates them, and I couldn' t return for over four yezrs.
I planned to return to Vermont after a 28 day visa ended on 24 March 2020 and after registering a company with DICA, the Myanmar governments legal division for company i vestment. I did that so now I have a Myanmar company in my name with a young 23 year old Burmese gentleman as partner, co owner and heir of all my property worldwide including everything I own in Vermont who will decide what to do about all operations in Vermont andbthe USA.
I plznned on packing all my personal znd valuable things of my family and collections and send/bring to Myanmar in Southeast Asia. Then restore my property to open as a tax free non-profit o.rganization house museum under my Vermont Foundation of the Arts.
i do not have a son so I have willed everything to a young Burmese man making Myanmar legally owner of all my inhetitance directing everything in the US, my company worldwide, business and personal
affairs after I die.
I will be 93 years old 1 January 2025, sound in mind and physical shape and due toe age and health as it might go I will continue to live in Myanmar throughout the rest of my life.
Considering how my house is vandalized, all my valuable possessions destroyed and stolen and the hatred I experienced living in that shit hole village of Old Bennington and town of Bennington, Vermont, for 60 ÷years, why would I ever return to the US when here in Myanmar I am respected, loved and protected by honest, kind and truthful, honest people and the finest military government, more intelligent then any other government anywhere else in the world.
But dont think it is good for any of you. Except as a rich toirist for a few days, there is nothing in Myamar suitable for any average US citizen.
You have to be me to understand why that only applies to someone honest and of nobless oblige as I am.
Due to US sanctions on this country,that I chose from experience as best in Southeast Asia, the US government has treated that country as badly and unjustifiably as the US government treated me in the US which crippled Myanmar and its people and and me so since zMyanmar and I are exactly the same mentality why then would I now ever return to my property in Vermont or to the US Zever again?
Now people in the US make up whatever story they want about me and it is believed but no one has asked me the truth in any of what has happened or what I planned to do about anything so now since everyone seems to believe they can take everything I own, tear down my house and think they are justified and did right what does anyone recommend I do in retaliation?
I own outright everything, house, land all possessions in my house, my 1961 vintage custom built, one of a kind Benz Museum model Mercedes Benz, as well as everything stolen smashed, vandalized no matter what anyone thinks.
So considering the true value of my property and life ruined in Vermont, the village, the town and the state of Vermont owes me full value based upon the property as I place a value, my company is an internationally famous artist and designer opedation worldwide including my new franchise company in Myanmar, and I place a value, as since it, my company is a also a Unicorne Company, a value of 500 Billion USD based on today's date 1 August 2024, and an additional amount of 50% interest monthly beginning in 1 September 2024 continuing until the entire amount is paid in full by the STATE OF VERMONT, and the United States of America government!.
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ReplyDeleteI have a Bennington College reunion to attend next fall. Myself and many other middle aged artists who have no interest in trespassing into your home would offer to created and post signage with a link to your statement of ownership at our own costs if you would like. Otherwise, we’ll stay away.
DeleteThe location is known. If you are interested in the intervention, it’ll be made as an artist to artist gift and the installation privately documented for you.
I am sorry people came into your place, touched your stuff and told stories about you.
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ReplyDeleteI would happily pay your property tax and maintain your lawn until your return from Myanmar (if you so choose) in exchange for your beloved and beautiful Mercedes. It would be a blessing, to give it a new life and future under your prominence and help continue your legacy for the ages. Or, I can purchase it outright and send you Kyat. I understand you want to preserve Buckthorn Hall for your young business partner. With her future uncertain, let's preserve what we can, while we can. Just a thought. As a fellow lover of all things fashion and art, I wish you only the best.
ReplyDeleteHello Tzaims. I am truly sorry about your beloved home. I am glad to hear news you are peaceful and well in beautiful Myanmar. Best, Constance
ReplyDeleteI cannot fathom how you must be feeling. I feel ashamed now having watched the video trespassing on your property. Seeing that which you held dear and personal illegally displayed. I do appreciate the beauty you have added to this world and I wish you justice and peace.
ReplyDeleteHello! I tried to send you an email regarding your home, but it stated the email does not exist anymore. Is there a way we can connect?
ReplyDeleteSo sorry Mr. Tzaims. I hope you get the justice you are seeking and may you live a blessed and peaceful life.
ReplyDeleteAlthough your art does not appeal to me as none of it is to my taste I am really very sorry that people have disrespected your home and belongings especially at your elderly age it seems very unjust and unfair. I wish you all the best for the future and i hope you may take solace that many many people admire your work and you have achieved what many artists fail to achieve. You have been seen and acknowledged and how wonderful it is to leave behind a legacy. All the best.
ReplyDeleteTotally underated artist. My opinion for what it is worth. There really should be a museum of his work so others can appreciate. 🥰