TZAIMS LUKSUS LTD a new company in Yangon, Myanmar

 After over three and one half years living in Yangon, Myanmar I have successfully created a new registered company in Myanmar.  The degree of difficulty in doing so might be considered beyond belief due to the various individuals, organizations and professionals in their respective occupations and personal interests that caused every possible blockage in my doing so.

Information concerning conditions in Myanmar are greatly exeragated by western and Southeast Asian nations, each seeking their own domination over, education, government and social authority.  Only one thing evident is that Myanmar is well governed since 1 February 2021 with great new infrastructures through restoration and preservation of old buildings, improvements in public facilities allowing a normal life and livelihood for the people of Myanmar. Operating without any assistance from foreign interest and sanctions to destroy the country's economy.  Great freedom and independence is maintained natural to the Burmese people by its government and best not interfered with by foreign interests.

Where does that place me in the present and future of Myanmar's democracies as practiced and based on the earliest form of democracy of Pericles of Athens who created the Golden Age with the restoration of Athens, building the Parthenon and temples on the Acropolis after Xerxes burned his city when he was 15 years old?

There are many factors to life in Myanmar but basically it is the greatest country based upon "cottage industry" something lost to the rest of the world through government made of mercenary civilians educational exploitation and ordering their subjected military when they have no understanding or experience in doing so.  This is not a criticism or opinion but a fact proven over the last several hundred years as practiced in Europe and the New World.

I take no part in politics anywhere since as an artist and designer I create new or merge into and support that which is creative and already established.

After these almost four years working with all walks of life existing in Yangon I have found all westerners and western organizations self purposed with secret agendas and detrimental to my success in living and working in Myanmar so I have eliminated any association with them other then on a friendly social rapport.  

All my associates, legal advisors, doctors, company principals and personnel are educated and intelligent Burmese.  They understand me and my purpose and recognize my vast experience in doing things properly, honestly and without hidden detrimental agendas.  This leads me now in explaining what it is I have come to know and implement.

Basically there are two factors.  The traditional ethnic craft oriented, learning through capability and educated by their families and parents to continue as they have for centuries, and the other being influenced by western methods leading them to either University degree programs in Myanmar educational institutions or educated into IT technical services. 

 This therefore effects whether they wear traditional Burmese clothing or western styled clothing.  Both are able to mingle with no difficulty since they are motivated and free to pursue their interests independently.  Those wishing to change government to seek western styled agendas are those attacking and threatening the established standards and are therefore being restrained.  This is normal in any country if one attacks military or police they are restrained.

My company therefore will produce western styled clothing for boys, men, girls and women that seek this mode of dress by using ethnic hand woven Burmese fabrics and novelty fabrics for both ready to wear and haute couture.  I have no intention of changing or altering anything in Myanmar's way of life since I feel it is the most perfect way of living and working with the greatest protective government on the planet.  I feel greatly privileged to be abe to live and work in Myanmar for the rest of my life. 

Sincerely, Mingalaba,

Tzaims Luksus


Yangon, Myanmar

12 August 2023


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