
Showing posts from August, 2024


Who claimed my property in Old Bennington, Vermont was abandoned? How can neighbors decide to tear down their neighbor's house?   MY HOUSE AND PROPERTY, NOT THEIRS.  How can a village government and a town government allow property they are responsible to protect allow burglaries, vandalism and criminal activity and do notbing to prevent if when taxes are paid.   How can the State of Vermont decide to demolish a house that is a major Historic designated property?   Tbis plus many more questions come to the forefront concerning my  mortgage free property in the State of Vermont, USA.   It was declared to me by the Treasurers of the Village of Old Bennington, Vermont and the town of Bennington, Vermont that the small zmount of unpaid taxes would be applied as a lean on my property and only deducted if and when I died and my property was either sold or inherited by the person it was left to in my will.  Now everyone in the town and vil...